Austin’s Best Rock We play complete albums

You heard it first On The Rat Radio Austin Texas Media
The job of GOD is taken. You cannot dictate how other people should live their lives.
Get your coffee, go to your desk and check out the morning RAT
.An old radio phrase, “DON’T TOUCH THAT DIAL
ROYALTIES EXPLAINED: When you broadcast copyrighted material or tracks. You have to pay royalties to the artist. They are cleaning up, but cant do it without them. It is based on Total Listening Hours (TLH), which is the total number of listeners times the time they listened. It goes in one huge pot and the Music Guild figures out who gets what thank goodness. We currently pay about 80 dollars a month. Big radio stations pay in the tens of thousands, or the FCC will cut your cord.
Go Go Girls
CBS was Actually OFF AIR for three minutes at 11:20 AM today during The Young & Restless today. .. ah .. Must have blown an Im a Bitch fuse
Slave issue. It’s about money, not the color of skin. All races have been slaves at some point in history. In the bible it was the Jews. Whites hated black an wanted to make them slaves. OH REALLY? Whoever was easiest. SO the fat American slave traders went running through the jungles of Africa, which they new nothing about chancing someone who ran three times faster than them? REALLY? No. African tribes captured other tribes , and sold them into slavery. So, who made you slaves? Money. Turning this into a blog post. The facts have been turned into a huge bullshit social issue.
The rise of American Nazi-ism
As author of two books on civil rights, civil disobedience is not the answer, it is getting out to vote.
As pointed out byJust KXAN Austin, none of the four previous Presidents in attendance, including Republican George Bush stood up and applauded at any point in Trumps inaugural address.
Thanks to listener feedback this could have been out of dignity and not a sign of disapproval, to be as fair as possible.
YOU CANNOT BEAT ME“Put me on a treadmill next to you and I will drop dead before you beat me. -Michael Jordan
Will Smith grew up in a poor family. His father owned a grocery store. The brick wall in front of the grocery store was falling down. He told Will and his brother to fix it. Without knowing anything about masonry or brick walls they rebuilt the walls.
His father told Will and his brother, “I want you to never forget this. You don’t have to know how to do something to do it.” Look where that advice took Will Smith
Thingies to ponder:
When you pick up something with both hands your nose immediately starts itching?
When you are right handed, why you do half of things with your left hand?
Why are there speed limit signs on IH 35 in Austin Texas.
We had a person apply for the position of Receptionist at our station.
As per ADA Requirements we h ad to ask if she had any disabilities
“Yes, I am a total dumb ass.”
Well .. That .. is .. definitely ..a .. disability alright.
How much shorter a homeless persons life in Austin / Travis County is comparted to the national average is now clearer. A detailed, first-of-its-kind report by the Ending Community Homelessness Coalition, better known as ECHO, tallied 1,010 deaths of unhoused people in Austin and Travis County between 2018 and 2023 (even that is probably an undercount with this difficult- to-track population). The average age of death was 50 – a full 20 years younger than the typical lifespan of a person in housing.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Formerly homeless people who had housing at the time of their death lived nearly a decade longer than those who died on the streets, the ECHO study found.
“This underscores what we already know: Supportive housing is the cure,” said Danica Fraher, ECHO’s health care systems manager and lead author of the report. “Saving lives requires urgent, coordinated action across systems.”
,Drug overdoses were the largest cause of death among those who were homeless. Those deaths surged from 21 in 2018 to 91 in 2023. Nearly threequarters of the drug-related deaths involved methamphetamine. Half the time, the methamphetamine contained fentanyl.- Source AAS -1/12/2025 P B1
Oldies but Goodies
the person you need to worry about not trusting the most is yourself.
The “Going through a Door” psychological concept came up. Best said in a succinct phrase, “I can remember every word to a 60’s song, but I cant remember why I just walked into the kitchen”. For some reason, still unknown to psychologists or scientists, when you go through a doorway your most recent short term memory disappears. Sounds totally crazy but happens to everybody. This writers guess is that somewhere down the line in our evolution this was deemed good so that you can be totally focused on what you find when you go through that doorway. It could be a war-way.
Welp, on to the next meeting, head and boobs held high. YYYYYYYY yabba dabba dooo!!!. Apparently preparing for it is useless. There are several doorways between here and there.
… At the meeting. So we will start off with with Lisa’s P&L projection for this quarter. “
…. eh, I was supposed to give a presentation? ??.”
Talking Points
If you argue with a fool then there are two fools
Only white males signed the Declaration of Independance. No Native Americans (talk about an immigration problem!), and no women (talk about a civil rights problem). Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it say only white males can vote. So WHY did it take a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT for women to vote?????
The White Male Master Problem
Apparently did not apply to women. “All men are created equal.” Had nothing to do with women. You know, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Too many blacks and women have fought too f’ing hard to slip backwards on these issues..
Order “The White Male Master Problem”, from Amazon $14.95
When someone asks my date of birth, I usually reply, “I really don’t remember. I was very young at the time.
You hear people say, “You must have lost your mind”. But I would like to point out that ‘loosing one’s mind’, requires first having had one.
My favorite phrase, “F*** Me”, an exclamatory phrase useful in many situations. Yet the most common answer is, “When, where and how hard, or does any of those matter?”
Well. Other than that Mrs. Kenedy, how was the parade?
Moses wasn’t talking about a river when he “parted the red sea” Well … Welcome to the Promised Land. The land of milk and honey.
In a meeting this morning, according to Marketing “They must be smoking something different than what we are smoking.” So …. this is your explanation for why Marketing isn’t doing their job?
Sex is SO risky. You could get shot, sued, arrested, or find out they were not the expected sex; and even eaten for some animals. Certain death and destruction. WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?
“You get what you put in and people get what they deserve.” – Kid Rock.
Want to enjoy our past RAT DROPPINGS?
Our radio station spider.
There is no non-profit that is doing more for YOUR CITY, The City of Austin, and vulnerable populations than Mobile Loaves & Fishes.
Adding a full decade to peoples lives
Please considering being a part of these miracles.
>Mobile Loaves & Fishes
Radio Austin has a principal interest in Mobile Loaves & Fishes and Austin Travis County homeless issues. During our daily scans of local media coverages we report all media coverages of this issue on this page.
The RAT Morning Show. Coming soon
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Crazy ass girls.
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The History of Radio

How to Turn a Woman on Sexually

A scepter is to hit one’s loyal subjects over the head with when they are not being so loyal

Station Lead, DJ, reporter.

Stephanie, Special Programs

Trish, Digital Content
“Hobbies: Wearing nothing but boots and spurs to bed during sex, in case I have to make them cowboys ‘getty up’.”

Vince “Rocky” – AI, Podcasts, and Promotions
“Hobbies Wheel Chair Racing and Going to the moon, where the grass is always green.”
RADIO AUSTIN ZZ TOP Gernamia Insurance Amplitheater Circuit of the Americas – Del Valle Texas 09/23/2022
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H-E-B Lake Austin will operate a True Texas BBQ restaurant and will include a full bar and indoor and outdoor seating. It will also have a South Flo Pizza restaurant and a coffee shop that will serve house-made breakfast tacos. Curbside and home delivery services will be available.
A FULL BAR???? Now were talkin’. As far as dancing girls, we cant be there all the time.
We just are impressed with these people. This AD has not been approved nor paid for by HEB
I like their Paramount+ advertisement, “The following is a public savings announcement”. So precious